Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Press Release -- Dr. Covey Establishes Friendly Approach



Republican Candidate Won’t Use Traditional Means of Campaign Signage

PHOENIX--Don Covey, longtime educator and Republican candidate for Maricopa County School Superintendent has announced he is establishing a new, more environmentally friendly approach of promoting his campaign. Instead of using the traditional means of campaign signage, Covey states his supporters are taking his campaign on the road … literally.

"We set out to find a more engaging, innovative way to advertise and promote our campaign. After numerous brain storming sessions with the Covey2008 team, and Creative Consultant Dusty Schmidt, we developed a unique branding solution. We landed on the ‘Thought Bubble’ or ‘Speech Balloon’ decal concept," Covey stated.

The ten-inch Covey for Superintendent decal is positioned on the lower center of the rear window of any automobile. From behind, the "pointer" appears to come from the driver's head asking readers to vote for Covey. Schmidt states, "It's simple, eye-catching, effective campaigning and may set a new trend for political signage providing ‘less stress’ to Maricopa County environments. It campaigns with a smile without other negative issues found with traditional signage.”

"We want to make the statement this campaign is going to do things differently, more progressively. We are wide open to fresh ideas and unique collaborative approaches to problem-solving on behalf of all school-aged youth attending schools in Maricopa County,” states Covey.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Primary Election Results!

We are pleased to announce that Don received an impressive 148,340 votes out of a total of approximately 316,000 cast votes in the September 2nd Primary Election. This resounding support emphasizes the County Elector's desire and need for education reform and a new county school administration based on trust, cooperation and, innovative ideas. We've been very busy attending numerous meetings across the County discussing the future of Maricopa County education. We are now on the General Ballot for November 4th.

Comments and questions are always welcomed on this site. Please click on the "comment" link under each blog posting.

Many Thanks -- Covey 2008 Committee